Days Like These

Days like today are so good for my mental health.

Two cups of coffee, a brisk morning walk, a hot shower, a happy baby, a crunchy apple, items crossed off my to-do list (although, hello, my list never seems to actually get shorter, more things just keep getting added!), and a few minutes to myself this afternoon to try out a new recipe.

I bought Molly Weizenberg’s Book, A homemade Life, a couple of weeks ago and read it cover to cover in a couple of days. She is also the author of Orangette, a blog I’ve followed religiously for several months now. She wrote about a chocolate chip cookie recipe she read about in the New York Times and they looked amazing. But, being the inherently lazy person that I am, I decided they were a bit too fussy for me. I mean, come on, the recipe calls for silly things like 2 1/2 sticks butter, a sprinkle of sea salt before baking and even more, it says to refrigerate the dough for at least 24 hours before baking? Ummm…not so much my style. I’m all about the instant gratification.

But, it seems everywhere I turn in the blog world, people are making these cookies and raving about them. So, I finally decided I would make the attempt. With Jack tucked snug in his bed for a nap and the kitchen spotlessly clean and emails I’ve decide I’m avoiding, (work emails, no, not your emails MOM!) there was nothing better to do than break out the kitchenaid.

My dough is in the fridge. It’s hard to be patient sometimes.

September 186

I’m not going to wait 24 hours to bake them, I have a feeling they’ll still be delicious. Besides, I need a treat for Grey’s Anatomy tonight.

So tell me, what is good for your mental health?

3 Responses to “Days Like These”

  1. 1 Mary September 25, 2009 at 2:14 am

    I would definitely echo some of your things that are good for mental health. Here are mind:
    -Waking up before my alarm clock goes off, a good Bible study in the early morning hours, emails between bridesmaids, a good day at work helping fellow employees and loving people, hugs, a warm yet crisp fall day, watching baseball in the evening, realizing just how blessed I am, reading a good friend’s blog 🙂

  2. 2 Courtney September 25, 2009 at 3:22 pm

    I want chocolate chip cookies now. I’m currently “working” from home while my little guy naps. For some reason I love the sounds of the breeze outside, knowing my little guy is dreaming, and hearing the hum of laundry being done…and a fresh pot of coffee brewing for when my mom arrives soon! That’s what’s good for my mental health!! Happy weekend!

  1. 1 2010 In Review « A New Day Rises Trackback on January 2, 2011 at 10:11 pm

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September 2009



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