Archive for November 24th, 2009

It’s Not Too Early!

When I mentioned we had an adventure over the weekend hunting for a Christmas tree; I wasn’t kidding!

Thank goodness for this big-ass truck our friend’s borrowed. Aaron was drooling over it the entire time. We literally would not have been able to get to our ‘spot’ without that baby, because the snow was WAY to deep.

Jack looks pretty serious/unhappy, but I promise he had a great time. He loved the snow! He loved watching Aaron cut down the Christmas tree and Rem run around like a lunatic.

We tried to get Rem in the picture, but this was the best we could do. He was way to busy running, jumping and doing back flips into the snow. That dog goes seriously crazy for snow.

Aaron and I were talking on the way back into town that we are really looking forward to years down the road when we have a whole car full of kiddos and we set out for these little adventures. I’m sure someone will be crying or whining or both, (just like I was as a kid) but I love starting these traditions and I can’t wait to share them with Jack and whatever phantom siblings he eventually has. Our friend’s girls had a blast playing in the snow, throwing snowballs and making snow angels. Their wonder at the snow and mountains made it that much more magical.

As I write this, my mother’s family recipe for creamed onions (sounds so gross but is seriously amazing) is simmering on the stove top and tomorrow morning bright and early I will be finishing up my Thanksgiving dishes so we can load the car and head out to spend the weekend with family.

It’s moments like these, when I’m cozy in my house, looking at pictures of my beautiful little family, that my heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving. I wish you the same this holiday, that you are overflowing with thanksgiving for all the good things in your life.

November 2009



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