Posts Tagged 'daily life'

Three Days and Counting Every Second…

Yep. Still here. Still pregnant. Not an especially happy camper, but hanging in there.

As much as I’ve been consumed in my own little world of misery, my family and friends have been so so sweet to me (especially since I haven’t been the easiest person to be around). Lots of encouraging phone calls, text messages and emails. Lots of special little treats and meals. My parents constantly offering to take the boys for a few hours so I can get a break. Aaron has brought home everything from bouquets of flowers to frozen yogurt to red box movies in the last few days. He even sheepishly offered to rub my feet (he hates feet with a passion…you know he feels bad for me).

While I can’t even begin to pretend like this waiting business is easy for me, these are times where I am keenly aware that there is great joy in waiting and trusting and just being a little bit quiet. As my mom used to tell me as a kid…to ‘wait hopefully.’ I’m 30-years-old and still trying to figure out how to do it.

So I’m trying to focus on the sweet moments of the last few days and not take myself so seriously. It’s a moment by moment process. And soon…we will have our little girl and I won’t even remember how ‘hard’ these days were. It will all just be something we laugh about as her ‘overdue’ status is weaved into the fabric of the story of how she came to be. I can’t wait to meet her.



Oh these boys…

Jack started school this morning. We had buttermilk pancakes, watched a little Curious George and slicked down cowlicks (all of us). Then it was time for a few pictures and to head out the door.

(Poor kid, you would think I could find an angle where he didn’t have to squint into the sun. No such luck).

The morning was fairly anti-climatic. We headed into school and greeted his teacher (the same from last year) and got situated (in the same classroom as last year). He did his routine, hanging up his bag, finding his nametag and writing his name like a champ. After a quick hug, the lego table held much more interest than sill ol’ mom. Luke and I headed out and looked at each other like ‘now what?’

We settled on a walk and a treat. (big surprise huh?)

Zucchini Bread Two Ways

My zucchini plant is getting a little out of control these days and there’s only so many ways to chop, dice, saute and bake zucchini before you just kind of want to throw it all away.

So, I’ve been making a lot of zucchini bread lately. It’s quick and easy and freezes beautifully.

Basic Zucchini Bread:

3 eggs

1 cup vegetable oil

1.5 cups sugar

3 cups grated zucchini (two small or 1 big one)

2 tsp. vanilla

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tbsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. baking powder

3/4 cup chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two loaf pans or line 24 muffin cups with paper liners.

Beat eggs with a mixer, mix in oila nd sugar, then zucchini and vanilla.

In a seperate bowl, combine dry ingredients. Mix well before combining with wet ingredients. Add walnuts or any other dried fruit/nuts you prefer to the mixture. Don’t overmix batter!! Divide the batter into prepared pans and bake for about 60 minutes. Muffins will bake in about 20 minutes.

Chocolate Zucchini Bread (adapted from Junior League of Yakima’s Fresh From the Valley Cookbook)

I would be hard pressed to truly call this ‘bread’ it’s much more of a dessert/cake. A little dollop of whip cream or a scoop of ice cream make this the best after dinner treat (especially if it’s just come out of the oven).

3 eggs, beaten

2 cups sugar

1 cup vegetable oil

2 tbsp. vanilla extract

2 cups shredded zucchini

2.5 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (or dark chocolate chunks)

1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Combine the sugar, eggs, oil and vanilla in a mixing bowl and beat until well blended. Add the zucchini and mix well. Add the flour mixture and stir until just moistened. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.

Pour into two greased loaf pans or a bunt pan, bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes.


Good Friends and Warm Bread

The boys and I almost never go anywhere between nap time and dinner time. Everyone around my house tends to wake slowly from naps and by the time the crankies are fully gone, it’s usually time to do dinner prep, leaving little opportunity for an errand.

But yesterday the boys woke up happy and I was itching for a late afternoon adventure, so we took off for ice cream cones and a trip to the local flower shop/nursery.

Luke thought he won the lottery:

When we got home from our little errand, I realized it was actually ME that had ‘won the lottery.’ Sitting on my back patio was a large mystery package (wrapped beautifully by a certain almost 3-year-old). And inside was a bread machine, gifted to me as an early birthday present from a group of dear girlfriends. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

The boys helped me rip open the box and I spent the evening reading the manual and adding recipes to my Pinterest page. This is something I’ve talked about purchasing forever and even though I’ve fully taken advantage of one sweet friend’s generosity and borrowed her machine a few times (to make these to die for cinnamon rolls), I just never took the plunge and bought my own (even though I’ve talked incessantly about it off an on for months).

Maybe it’s dorky to be so over-excited about a kitchen appliance, but really, I’m just blown away by the kindness and generosity of my friends. It’s so easy at this stage of motherhood/life to get lost in the chaos of my own daily life. Kids, work, husband, pregnancy, house, routines, ect. It was a surprise and a tender reminder to endeavor to be that kind of friend in return.

My first attempt didn’t quite turn out perfect, I’ve got some experimenting to do, but it tastes delicious.

cinnamon raisin bread…to be made into french toast in the morning



Last Day of Preschool

Yesterday was the last day of school. Is it pathetic to admit I cried? I was standing there flipping through his ‘all about me’ book and he rounds the corner into the kitchen wearing his soccer jersey ready to head out to his first soccer game and it just hit me like I’d run into a brick wall: he’s growing up.

And it’s bittersweet in every way. I LOVE watching the kid he’s becoming. He is sweet and tender, kind, sensitive, aggressive, driven, and a risk-taker. But, I miss my chubby baby. It was simple then. Feed, diaper, cuddle and love. That was about it. Every day gets more complex as Aaron and I pray and hope our way through making choices for him.

 That old mantra that the grandma’s and well-meaning strangers love to say to you in the grocery store (particularly when your surly toddler is having a royal freakout over not getting to push the buttons on the debit machine?) you know the one…enjoy these days, they go so fast, I wish I could go back?

I think I got a little taste of that yesterday. A year of preschool under our belts. A toddler on the cusp of kid-hood. So many new and exciting things ahead and yet, there is a wistfulness in my heart. I look at those round cheeks and beautiful hazel eyes and see the baby he was not that long ago.

And one little tiny bragging moment? Both his teachers pulled me aside to compliment Jack on what a sweet good boy he is in class. He loves school, he listens, he’s learning, he’s happy. My mama heart wanted to burst, knowing these sweet women see what we see.

Today is the Day…for an Ultrasound!

When I sit at my desk in the kitchen, facing the big window that looks out into our front yard, there is a small 4×6 photo of our family from last fall, precariously tucked behind a jar of crayons and my favorite cookbooks. It is exactly at eye level, so that when I stare past my computer and out the window, that is exactly what I look at.

As I sit here, it keeps hitting me that we are going to need a new family photo in the fall.


Today is the ‘big’ 20 week ultrasound. I’ve had a couple of quick ultrasounds throughout this pregnancy and we ‘think’ we have an idea about if this baby is a boy or girl, but I’m not banking on anything until after we have our official ultrasound.

Care to take a guess?

Boy or Girl?

Wrapping Up a Year

The sky is painted bright stripes of pink and orange this morning. As I’ve been sitting at my desk in front of the window, contemplating how to wrap up an entire year into one blog post, the sky has warmed to a lovely orange with a hint of blue sky peeking through pink clouds. If you have to be awake before the sun comes up, this is surely the sweetest way to welcome the morning.

(hands down my favorite photo from last year)

I’m not really sure how to wrap up the last year. It was exhausting but full of fun and happiness all in the same breath. Blessings rained down on our family in big and small ways. My family moved to town, Aaron’s career took off, our boys were healthy and thriving. We have amazing friends, a warm house and got to go and do so many fun things. The boys grew in leaps and bounds before our eyes and I even got a full nights sleep before the end of the year.

Luke went from a teeny tiny baby who hadn’t even had a bite of food to a toddler who walks (runs!), talks, eats everything in sight, has many many opinions, gives the best hugs and kisses, loves books and trucks, his brother, throwing balls and eating crayons.

Jack went from a diaper-wearing toddler who slept in a crib to a full-blown kid who goes to preschool, rides a bike, puts on his own shoes, poops in the potty, tells winding hilarious stories and spends hours playing legos and cars and trains.

I look back at posts from January and February of last year and I see babies. Two little babies. And in my writing, I hear a tired, frazzled, slightly post-partum mama. We got sick a lot.

But the sun did come out and with it came a breath of fresh air. Spring brought lots of time outside. We planted our garden and got baby chicks.

The summer brought a wonderful family vacation with some of our best friends. We celebrated Luke turning one with a big party and headed to the lake for a family reunion. We even tried our hand at camping (for one night). The boys loved it and we dreamed about a few years from now when camping is a regular summer occurance.

Summer also brought my parents to town. They had talked about moving to Yakima for a couple of years but the timing had never been quite right. In June they put their house up for sale and three weeks later it was sold. After a whirlwind house hunt in Yakima, they found a house on a couple of acres outside of town and made their dreams of a hobby farm a reality.

Summer was also hard. My work-life balance had been off for a while and the frustration and stress of my situation was peaking. I knew something had to change, but there just didn’t seem like any viable options to do what I do in our small town outside of where I already worked. And then a miracle happened. And that might sound dramatic, but God knew exactly what I needed, and orchestrated the most incredible situation. There’s just no way it couldn’t have been from Him.

In August I was offered a freelance contract to work for a local hospital, doing what I love to do best; writing, telling stories, blogging and helping their team with strategic communication and fundraising. By September I was in my new setting, working half what I used to work with a team who I thoroughly enjoy. For the first time in my career I get when people say they love their job.

Jack started preschool two mornings a week and Luke started walking. Both milestones felt epic for our family. We celebrated Jack turning three with a big party at my parent’s new house. I started a women’s bible study and I pulled the boys out of daycare. Fall was busy and quiet all at the same time.

The holidays crept up quickly and in the busyness of traveling and cooking and getting together with family, both Aaron and I lost loved ones. Aaron’s beloved grandmother passed away the day before Thanksgiving and my aunt passed away just a few days after Thanksgiving. Both of their services were profound in magnifying what is important in life. In different ways, both these women deeply loved the people around them. Aaron’s grandmother was married to her husband for 61 years, raised four childen and foster children. She was a school teacher and inspired multiple family members to go into education. She was the wife and mother I aspire to be: kind, gentle, loving.

My aunt spent 24 years battling cancer. And yet, she was never ever defined by her illness. She is remembered for her love of cooking, bright colors, her love of books, fresh flowers and candles. She raised two children by herself in the midst of treatment and was beloved by her friends, colleagues and church family. She was defined by her ability to inspire others. Her service was a testament to finding joy in all the little ways life is beautiful. She is deeply missed by her friends and children.

Christmas came. It was sweet and quiet and so so lovely. Aaron and I have spent the last couple of days talking about the upcoming year and what we want out of it. The word that keeps coming up over and over again is intention.

To be intentional with each other and our boys. Intentional with friends, colleagues, work, church, finances and our own bodies. Aaron has a hard time slowing down, going from one task to another, never resting. I tend to do five things at once, never quite finishing things or completing them to the level they deserve. Both of us want to create new habits this year, ones that revolve around our family, ensuring we are treating our boys and each other with the intention they deserve.

Welcome 2012. It’s going to be a good one.

How about you? Any resolutions?


Feeling like I need a blog overhaul: new web site, new look, new name…fresh start!

May 2024



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